Document management for manufacturing

Give your team a shared space to store, organize, and manage files to ensure seamless collaboration with SftDox.

Effectively Create and Manage Group Workflows

Document management system for manufacturing industry

Time to market in crucial

Business is about change, and in change pain shows. The manufacturing landscape has changed dramatically in the last few years and manufacturing organizations must adapt to remain competitive. Keeping up with the times is a must for your competitive advantage.

SftDox digitizes all documents across your organization to cope with informational chaos, gain insights, transparency, traceability and increased productivity. With instant access, you can expedite production, reduce risk, and curtail production cost.

Faster turnaround time improves processes

Track every document’s originator, version changes, or time of change. Digital workflows instantly route information to its designated approvers, so your production is fast and smooth.

How digitization of manufacturing documents offers competitive advantages

We understand the value a manufacturing company delivers. From machine parts, metal fabrication to biotechnology & pharmaceuticals. With SftDox you can effectively organize manufacturing documents, create, and manage groups and workflows for the associated work teams.

Collaboration Improves Productivity

  • SftDox is flexible an easily customizable with your existing processes
  • Integrates seamlessly into your technology system
  • Document the manufacturing process at every stage
  • Get notified on required actions while on the go

Security & Privacy

  • Secure proprietary information and confidentiality of documents
  • Restrict unauthorized access or viewing
  • Create guidelines to protect and ensure data security
  • Protect against hacking, malware and other illegal acts

Future Ready

  • With Cloud, you can save significant budget and time
  • Implement needs to multiple departments

SftDox Designed to Meet Manufacturing Business

Our leading document management system secures and processes critical business information. Easily customizable for manufacturing industry.

Information everywhere

Instant access to your business documents on the go with any device. Easily search, upload, change documents anywhere, anytime through our mobile app.

Low code, no code

Our cloud-based solution allows you to instantly increase users and storage as your business demands change. SftDox is easily scalable to meet higher demands.

Secured Data
Prevent unauthorized access

Manage internal & external access to high-value, sensitive documents as per organizational policies. SftDox creates an audit trail around who has accessed or changed the documents.

User Friendly
Easy adoption

Quick to start, easy to learn and deploy is the core of SftDox. Customizable dashboard offers a more focused decision making. Take print outs only when needed.

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